
The Truth about Forever

This is my second Sarah Dessen book, and so far, she's got two for two on my list. I really enjoy her writing, her characters, her honest look at the world of being a teenager. I don't enjoy the drinking/smoking or the very occasional language, but those do go along with that "honest look," so that's that.

One of my favorite things about Sarah Dessen's writing is that the writing never, ever gets in the way of the story. It's the delivery vehicle, not the destination. Even with fabulous authors like Shannon Hale, I'll be reading along and think, "Ooo, that was a cool comparison," or "Ooo, what a lovely way of saying that!" So while I'm appreciative, I'm also momentarily drawn out of the story. Dessen just tells it like it is, as cliche as that sounds. No fancy-shmanciness, know what I mean?

The Truth about Forever tells Macy Queen's story---that's Macy, I-saw-my-dad-die-of-a-heart-attack, Queen. After her father's death, Macy has built tight walls of outward perfection around herself. She is fine-just-fine. A year and a half after the incident, she wants to mourn, but she thinks it's too late. Everyone else has moved on ... why can't she? Enter "Wish"---a catering company run by a totally frazzled, chaotic, full-of-life group of people, including the oh-so handsome Wes. When on a whim, Macy asks for a job, she finally learns how to step out of her perfect box and embrace the changes, good and bad, that truly living life inevitably brings.

Cool story. Thumbs up.

1 comment:

  1. OOh cool! I was going to pick up a Sarah Dessen book so I'm glad to hear you like her writing!


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