Today was the first day of school for my three older children. I think that means I did not publish a blog post during their summer break. The hiatus was not intentional -- in fact I have some drafts of book reviews that I just haven't finished up, and even a post by Benjamin (who is now ten years old?) languishing in drafts. I guess that's summer with four kids. A first, for me.
Still reading. Will begin sharing again, soon.
Cybils season has started with the call for judges. I'm the graphic novels category organizer again this year. You have until September 9 to apply, and can apply regardless of the platform you use to review books*, as long as your reviews are accessible online without cost and show depth of thought. Apply here.
*This is a change from previous years, when you had to have a blog. Now, you can be a solid reviewer on Youtube, Instagram, Goodreads, a podcast, etc. etc.
And now, a poem by William Carlos Williams
This Is Just To Say
I have eaten the plums that were in the icebox
and which you were probably saving for breakfast Forgive me they were delicious so sweet and so cold
And a poem by Alysa StewartThis Is Just To Say
I have not blogged
all summer long
which definitely
has something
to do with this phase of life
Forgive me not
This is my blog
I post when I want
But maybe
leave me a bookish comment
To welcome me back?
all summer long
which definitely
has something
to do with this phase of life
Forgive me not
This is my blog
I post when I want
But maybe
leave me a bookish comment
To welcome me back?