Been working on Story Club a bit lately. You guys, even though I'm totally sick of working on it, and I just want this project to be done and out in the world . . . I still like it. I think it's a good little ebook. I hope you like it, once it comes out.
Here are three fun facts about Story Club:
1. It will be 37 pages long. Well, it will be 44 pages if you count the title page and all that, but I don't. Thirty seven pages of content is what we're talking about here.
2. It has two parts. Part one is about creatively retelling stories: how you can do it and how you can help your kids learn to do it. Part two is about collaborating with your kids to tell stories, both true stories and made-up stories.
3. Included in the final book are some examples of creative retellings that my own kids did. I think these might be my favorite part of the whole book. I mean, sometimes you ask your kid to tell you the story of Goldilocks with his own twist and Goldilocks ends up at the dentist's office and it just gets better from there.
Tell me you're excited for Story Club. Please.
You can totally sign up in the sidebar for email notification once the book is available. See "Get the Everead Newsletter."
And good gravy let's get this thing done.
p.s. more posts labelled Story Club are here.
I, personally, cannot wait to see this!