
It's a mystery! Can you solve it?

My mother is trying to figure out the name and/or author of this favorite poem of hers.  We can't seem to figure it out any way any how.  The text may not be exact, since it's from memory, but I bet it's pretty close.

Under the green glass roof of waves
The little merchildren play.

Their toys are shells
And their homes are caves,
Their little pet fish
Feed beneath the spray.

They slip and dive,
Swoop and swirl,
Where the sea-grass sways
And the seashells curl.

Peep through the seaweed wafting wild,
And you might even see a little merchild.


  1. Hmm. Nope. Nada. Neat poem though.

  2. Aunt Leanne has come up with a clue to the puzzle! I remembered that she had seen us enjoying the lttle anthology that the poem was in and emphatically said that we needed a copy of "The Real Mother Goose", which she subsequently gave us. She tells me that she probably saw the illustrations and said we needed one of her favorites by the same illustrator: Jessie Wilcox Smith. And sure enough, her style looks familiar and reminds me of the original anthology of children's poems. In fact it started with Robert Louis Stephenson's "If Wishes Were Horses", I believe. So I am searching a list of J.W.Smith's books found here:http://www.ortakales.com/illustrators/Smith2.html


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