
Ben's Baby Book Picks

I've got Benjamin, 3 months old, enrolled in our library's reading program. How awesome is it that they have a reading program for kids that young?! Love it. Anyway, he's read many books in his short life, but a few he likes more than the others.

Black on White by Tana Hoban is one if his favorites. He just can't get enough of it. I think it's pretty cool too. I like that the black, shadow-like illustrations are also kinda glossy. This allows me to sit with Benjamin on my lap and the book in front of us (for ease of page turning) and still see his reaction in the glare from the pages. Schweet.

We've also enjoyed Animal Kisses by Barney Saltzberg. That one kept him interested for quite a while. It's got textures for each of the animal's kisses. It's just too bad that since it's a library copy the "scratchy cat kiss" is worn smooth. I don't think it will mess him up for life though.

One that I remember from when I was a kid and that he likes, too is It Looked Like Spilt Milk by Charles G. Shaw. Sometimes it looks like spilt milk, sometimes it looks like a pig. Sometimes it looks like a birthday cake. What is it really? Read to find out! The high contrast colors are a favorite of his, and he likes looking at the text as much as the pictures.

These books are quite sturdy -- very important at this age since he likes to taste and touch as much as look and listen!

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